Als bedrijf is Verhuisbedrijf Hoekstra uit Sneek gegroeid maar de basis is in al die jaren gelijk gebleven. "Sizzen is neat, dwaan is in ding" is al die jaren één van de speerpunten in hun beleid gebleven. Een betrouwbare, efficiënte en innovatieve partner in logistiek.

Sirelo vraagt...
Wat is je verzekeringspolis? Hoe ga je om met beschadigde artikelen?
Wat is het beste advies dat je klanten zou geven?

License plate 80-BFJ-7.
I waited a bit, but to no avail. Then, when the guy showed up, I indicated that I was going to park and give him space to pass. But he chose to ignore me and left the truck a second time to do his business. When I started honking at the driver to be more visible, he turned around and...
1. He was very rude from the first word.
2. He did not want to talk to me to discuss this situation, he said - close your mouth.
3. He decided to analyze my abilities as a mother. He said that I am a bad mother and cannot raise my children properly.
4. Then he decided to take a picture of my car.
5. The most interesting part - in the presence of a 3-year-old child, he used offensive F and B words in my direction with addition with specific gestures (middle fingers of both hands).
6. I am Ukrainian, and the licence plate of my car is Ukrainian. So this guy decided to send me to my country where there is a brutal war and not to pollute the Dutch society.
7. He then decided to block my car in the parking lot to show who is king in this situation.
The next day I called the office of this company to share this story with management. But I didn't hear any 'Sorry' - nothing like that. It's just that 'we need to hear the other side of this story.' In other words, I'm a liar. But the question is why do I need it?
So, I think this guy doesn't respect any nationalities, women and people in general. But the company decided to support this position of the employer. They did not call me back with any feedback.
I just hope that everyone who sees this review will think twice before leaving their money with this company, who supports racism and sexism, who thinks it's okay to be that guy.Lees meer