We are Schmidt Global Relocations, committed specialists who take care of your international relocation in detail. How do we do that? Our personal Move Managers will take care of everything for you, from planning to paperwork and taking care of your piano to your last minute requests. We do not shy away from a challenge and always find a perfect solution. We understand the impact of your move and how much value you place on your property. That is why we keep you constantly informed and we work with our own, trusted people according to our high standards. This way we guarantee that you will always feel comfortable on your way to your destination. We call this Guiding your way Home.Lees meer

Sirelo vraagt...
Wat is je verzekeringspolis? Hoe ga je om met beschadigde artikelen?
Wat is het beste advies dat je klanten zou geven?

First of all the movers did not come on the day/time what was agreed. We had taken off work and they would be at our house in the morning to pack all things. However after a few hours still no moving company so we called, 'yes thanks for calling they are a bit delayed' was the response. Eventually they arrived at 6pm which was a 9hour! delay and then they started packing etc., and did not finish until 1am the following morning. Also as they were only 2 guys they had picked 2 random guys from the street it seemed (on slippers no kidding) and that were supposed to help them and speed up the packing. They arrived a bit earlier than the official movers and truck, but had no packing or moving material whatsoever, so asked us for wrapping and boxes which we obviously did not have because we through we had hired a professional moving company….
Then after all of this there was silence and no communication when our household good would arrive in our new place. Because this was an international move my car was on the papers but I drove it myself, as was agreed beforehand. However one day I get a call from them if I could turn up at this random custom office, while I was in the middle of my holiday and nowhere close. I was furious. In the end this was sorted by them but when we finally got our stuff we discovered a lot of damages worth almost 3000 USD. Damage can always happen but in this case it was obvious it had to do with the pick-up and the 2 random street guys that helped them. My most valuable painting got damaged because it was laying at the bottom of a box without any protection or wrapping whatsoever. On top of it they had placed various radom items and of course did this not go well ;-(
Needles to say but I would absolutely NEVER USE THIS COMPANY EVER AGAIN!Lees meer

Verhuizing van US naar NL. Simpel, ongeveer 10 m3. Simpele huisraad en wat meubels.
Schmidt doet er 3 weken langer over dan beloofd om de datum vast te leggen. Die wordt telefonisch afgesproken: 1 augustus (EEN). Ik vraag een paar dagen later om bevestigingsmail omdat die er niet was. Daarin staat TWEE augustus. Schmidt dreigt met cancellation fees als ik 2 augustus niet kan halen. Dus extra vrij moeten nemen etc.
Vervolgens, u raad het, krijg ik EEN augustus telefoon dat ze voor de deur staan. De dag die oorspronkelijk dus was vastgelegd, maar vervolgens werd ontkend door Schmidt planning.
Halsoverkop naar nieuwe huis en de verhuiscrew was ook niet blij want die hadden dubbel werk. Zij konden er niks aan doen. Het was het planning team ([Naam verwijderd door Sirelo], nieuwe medewerkster), die de chaos hebben veroorzaakt.
Vervolgens kleine schade bij installeren.
Er is bewijs van de verkeerde planning van Schmidt en de schade. Maar Schmidt verwijst simpelweg naar 'de andere partij'.
Als je een keuze hebt, zorg dat je niet met Schmidt werkt en als je [Naam verwijderd door Sirelo] aan de telefoon krijgt, meteen om iemand anders vragen.
Laat de onervarenheid van Schmidt planning niet uw verhuizing bederven!Lees meer